They don’t even bother trying to fix a burned up computer so I had to wait for the new one to be shipped (fortunately mine was still under warranty) and then set it up and reload everything. It’s hard to take a decent picture of a black CPU, but this is my new one. See the USB ports right on the top? No more crawling around looking for them. And, I love the built-in SD card slots!
And, as the blog title says, I have a hard time keeping everything running smoothly at the same time. So, I used my forced computer break to catch up around the house and to do some crafting!
Remember this? I bought the blue dotted pillow cover on the recent shopping trip to Ikea.
Now, it looks like this! Yep, it's a tote bag.
I cut it down and squared the bottom corners, then pleated it at the top below the contrasting band so it wouldn’t be so wide. I had fun trying out freezer paper stenciling and added a bit of hand-embroidery. I had the beautiful Japanese fabric in my stash which was just begging to be used. I’m very happy with how it all turned out.
Here is a close-up of my little bird? Isn’t he sweet?
And, I finally finished this purse…
I had started it I-don’t-know-how-long-ago and finally added the button and the flower detail.
I’ve also been making a few skirts and having lots of fun with headbands so more to come soon.